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Layout Guide

The Layout concept give us an ability to manage table header and pick/skip arbitrary fields and rows from the raw data stream.

cat data/matrix.csv

Layout Usage#

The Layout class instance are accepted by many classes and functions:

  • Resource
  • describe
  • extract
  • validate
  • and more

You just need to create a Layout instance using desired options and pass to the classed and function from above.

Layout Options#

Let's list all the available Layout options with simple usage examples:


It's a boolean flag which defaults to True indicating whether the data has a header row or not. In the following example the header row will be treated as a data row:

from frictionless import Resource, Layout
layout = Layout(header=False)
with Resource('data/capital-3.csv', layout=layout) as resource:
| field1 | field2 |
| 'id' | 'name' |
| '1' | 'London' |
| '2' | 'Berlin' |
| '3' | 'Paris' |
| '4' | 'Madrid' |

Header Rows#

If header is True which is default, this parameters indicates where to find the header row or header rows for a multiline header. Let's see on example how the first two data rows can be treated as a part of a header:

from frictionless import Resource, Layout
layout = Layout(header_rows=[1, 2, 3])
with Resource('data/capital-3.csv', layout=layout) as resource:
['id 1 2', 'name London Berlin']
| id 1 2 | name London Berlin |
| 3 | 'Paris' |
| 4 | 'Madrid' |
| 5 | 'Rome' |

Header Join#

If there are multiple header rows which is managed by header_rows parameter, we can set a string to be a separator for a header's cell join operation. Usually it's very handy for some "fancy" Excel files. For the sake of simplicity, we will show on a CSV file:

from frictionless import Resource, Layout
layout = Layout(header_rows=[1, 2, 3], header_join='/')
with Resource('data/capital-3.csv', layout=layout) as resource:
['id/1/2', 'name/London/Berlin']
| id/1/2 | name/London/Berlin |
| 3 | 'Paris' |
| 4 | 'Madrid' |
| 5 | 'Rome' |

Header Case#

By default a header is validated in a case sensitive mode. To disable this behaviour we can set the header_case parameter to False. This option is accepted by any Layout and a dialect can be passed to extract, validate and other functions. Please note that it doesn't affect a resulting header it only affects how it's validated:

from frictionless import Resource, Schema, Field, Layout
layout = Layout(header_case=False)
schema = Schema(fields=[Field(name="ID"), Field(name="NAME")])
with Resource('data/capital-3.csv', layout=layout, schema=schema) as resource:
print(f'Header: {resource.header}')
print(f'Valid: {resource.header.valid}') # without "header_case" it will have 2 errors
Header: ['ID', 'NAME']
Valid: True

Pick/Skip Fields#

We can pick and skip arbitrary fields based on a header row. These options accept a list of field numbers, a list of strings or a regex to match. All the queries below do the same thing for this file:

from frictionless import extract, Layout
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_fields=[2, 3])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(skip_fields=[1, 4])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_fields=['f2', 'f3'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(skip_fields=['f1', 'f4'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_fields=['<regex>f[23]'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(skip_fields=['<regex>f[14]'])))
[{'f2': 12, 'f3': 13}, {'f2': 22, 'f3': 23}, {'f2': 32, 'f3': 33}, {'f2': 42, 'f3': 43}]
[{'f2': 12, 'f3': 13}, {'f2': 22, 'f3': 23}, {'f2': 32, 'f3': 33}, {'f2': 42, 'f3': 43}]
[{'f2': 12, 'f3': 13}, {'f2': 22, 'f3': 23}, {'f2': 32, 'f3': 33}, {'f2': 42, 'f3': 43}]
[{'f2': 12, 'f3': 13}, {'f2': 22, 'f3': 23}, {'f2': 32, 'f3': 33}, {'f2': 42, 'f3': 43}]
[{'f2': 12, 'f3': 13}, {'f2': 22, 'f3': 23}, {'f2': 32, 'f3': 33}, {'f2': 42, 'f3': 43}]
[{'f2': 12, 'f3': 13}, {'f2': 22, 'f3': 23}, {'f2': 32, 'f3': 33}, {'f2': 42, 'f3': 43}]

Limit/Offset Fields#

There are two options that provide an ability to limit amount of fields similar to SQL's directives:

from frictionless import extract, Layout
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(limit_fields=2)))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(offset_fields=2)))
[{'f1': 11, 'f2': 12}, {'f1': 21, 'f2': 22}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32}, {'f1': 41, 'f2': 42}]
[{'f3': 13, 'f4': 14}, {'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}, {'f3': 43, 'f4': 44}]

Pick/Skip Rows#

It's alike the field counterparts but it will be compared to the first cell of a row. All the queries below do the same thing for this file but take into account that when picking we need to also pick a header row. In addition, there is special value <blank> that matches a row if it's completely blank:

from frictionless import extract, Layout
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_rows=[1, 3, 4])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(skip_rows=[2, 5])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_rows=['f1', '21', '31'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(skip_rows=['11', '41'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_rows=['<regex>(f1|[23]1)'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(skip_rows=['<regex>[14]1'])))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(pick_rows=['<blank>'])))
[{'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}]
[{'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}]
[{'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}]
[{'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}]
[{'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}]
[{'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}, {'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}]

Limit/Offset Rows#

This is a quite popular option used to limit amount of rows to read:

from frictionless import extract, Layout
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(limit_rows=2)))
print(extract('data/matrix.csv', layout=Layout(offset_rows=2)))
[{'f1': 11, 'f2': 12, 'f3': 13, 'f4': 14}, {'f1': 21, 'f2': 22, 'f3': 23, 'f4': 24}]
[{'f1': 31, 'f2': 32, 'f3': 33, 'f4': 34}, {'f1': 41, 'f2': 42, 'f3': 43, 'f4': 44}]