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Basic Examples

This example assumes that you are familiar with the concepts behind the Frictionless Framework. For an introduction, please read the Introduction.

Let's start with an example dataset. We will look at a few raw data files that have recently been collected by an anthropologist. The anthropologist wants to publish this data in an open repository so her colleagues can also use this data. Before publishing the data, she wants to add metadata and check the data for errors. We are here to help, so let’s start by exploring the data. We see that the quality of data is far from perfect. In fact, the first row contains comments from the anthropologist! To be able to use this data, we need to clean it up a bit.

Download countries.csv to reproduce the examples (right-click and "Save link as").

cat countries.csv
# clean this data!
2,3,France,n/a,find the population

As we can see, this is data containing information about European countries and their populations. Also, it looks like there are two fields having a relationship based on a country's identifier: neighbor_id is a Foreign Key to id.

Describing Data#

First of all, we're going to describe our dataset. Frictionless uses the powerful Frictionless Data Specifications. They are very handy to describe:

Let's describe the countries table:

frictionless describe countries.csv # optionally add --stats to get statistics
# --------
# metadata: countries.csv
# --------
encoding: utf-8
format: csv
hashing: md5
- 2
name: countries
path: countries.csv
profile: tabular-data-resource
- name: id
type: integer
- name: neighbor_id
type: string
- name: name
type: string
- name: population
type: string
scheme: file

As we can see, Frictionless was smart enough to understand that the first row contains a comment. It's good, but we still have a few problems:

  • we use n/a as a missing values marker
  • neighbor_id must be numerical: let's edit the schema
  • population must be numerical: setting proper missing values will solve it
  • there is a relation between the id and neighbor_id fields

Let's update our metadata and save it to the disc:

frictionless describe countries.csv --yaml > countries.resource.yaml
editor countries.resource.yaml

Open this file in your favorite editor and update as it's shown below

Let's see what we have created:

cat countries.resource.yaml
encoding: utf-8
format: csv
hashing: md5
- 2
name: countries
path: countries.csv
profile: tabular-data-resource
- name: id
type: integer
- name: neighbor_id
type: integer
- name: name
type: string
- name: population
type: integer
- fields:
- neighbor_id
- id
resource: ''
- ''
- n/a
scheme: file

It has the same metadata as we saw above but also includes our editing related to missing values and data types. We didn't change all the wrong data types manually because providing proper missing values had fixed it automatically. Now we have a resource descriptor. In the next section, we will show why metadata matters and how to use it.

Extracting Data#

It's time to try extracting our data as a table. As a first naive attempt, we will ignore the metadata we saved on the previous step:

frictionless extract countries.csv
# ----
# data: countries.csv
# ----
== =========== ======= ==========
id neighbor_id name population
== =========== ======= ==========
1 Ireland Britain 67
2 3 France n/a
3 22 Germany 83
4 Italy 60
== =========== ======= ==========

Actually, it doesn't look terrible, but in reality, data like this is not quite useful:

  • it's not possible to export this data e.g., to SQL because integers are mixed with strings
  • there is still a basically empty row we don't want to have
  • there are some mistakes in the neighbor_id column

Let's use the metadata we save to try extracting data with the help of Frictionless Data specifications:

frictionless extract countries.resource.yaml
# ----
# data: countries.resource.yaml
# ----
== =========== ======= ==========
id neighbor_id name population
== =========== ======= ==========
1 Britain 67
2 3 France
3 22 Germany 83
4 Italy 60
== =========== ======= ==========

It's now much better! Numerical fields are numerical fields, and there are no more textual missing values markers. We can't see in the command-line, but missing values are now None values in Python, and the data can be e.g., exported to SQL. Although, it's still not ready for being published. In the next section, we will validate it!

Validating Data#

Data validation with Frictionless is as easy as describing or extracting data:

frictionless validate countries.csv
# -------
# invalid: countries.csv
# -------
=== ===== ============ =============================================================================
row field code message
=== ===== ============ =============================================================================
4 5 extra-cell Row at position "4" has an extra value in field at position "5"
7 2 missing-cell Row at position "7" has a missing cell in field "neighbor_id" at position "2"
7 3 missing-cell Row at position "7" has a missing cell in field "name" at position "3"
7 4 missing-cell Row at position "7" has a missing cell in field "population" at position "4"
=== ===== ============ =============================================================================

Ahh, we had seen that coming. The data is not valid; there are some missing and extra cells. But wait a minute, in the first step, we created the metadata file with more information about our table. We have to use it.

frictionless validate countries.resource.yaml
# -------
# invalid: countries.csv
# -------
=== ===== ================= ==============================================================================================================
row field code message
=== ===== ================= ==============================================================================================================
3 2 type-error Type error in the cell "Ireland" in row "3" and field "neighbor_id" at position "2": type is "integer/default"
4 5 extra-cell Row at position "4" has an extra value in field at position "5"
5 foreign-key-error Row at position "5" violates the foreign key: not found in the lookup table
7 2 missing-cell Row at position "7" has a missing cell in field "neighbor_id" at position "2"
7 3 missing-cell Row at position "7" has a missing cell in field "name" at position "3"
7 4 missing-cell Row at position "7" has a missing cell in field "population" at position "4"
=== ===== ================= ==============================================================================================================

Now it's even worse, but regarding data validation errors, the more, the better, actually. Thanks to the metadata, we were able to reveal some critical errors:

  • the bad data types, i.e. Ireland instead of an id
  • the bad relation between id and neighbor_id: we don't have a country with id 22

In the next section, we will clean up the data.

Transforming Data#

We will use metadata to fix all the data type problems automatically. The only two things we need to handle manually:

  • France's population
  • Germany's neighborhood
$ cat > countries.pipeline.yaml <<EOF
- type: resource
source: countries.csv
- code: cell-replace
fieldName: neighbor_id
pattern: '22'
replace: '2'
- code: cell-replace
fieldName: population
pattern: 'n/a'
replace: '67'
- code: row-filter
formula: population
- code: field-update
name: neighbor_id
type: integer
- code: table-normalize
- code: table-write
path: countries.csv
$ frictionless transform countries.pipeline.yaml
# -------
# success: countries.pipeline.yaml
# -------

Finally, we've got the cleaned version of our data, which can be exported to a database or published. We have used a CSV as an output format but could have used Excel, JSON, SQL, and others.

cat countries.csv

Basically, that's it; now, we have a valid data file and a corresponding metadata file. It can be shared with other people or stored without fear of type errors or other problems making research data not reproducible.

ls countries.*

In the next articles, we will explore more advanced Frictionless functionality.