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BigQuery Tutorial

This functionality requires an experimental bigquery plugin. Read More

Frictionless supports both reading tables from BigQuery source and treating a BigQuery dataset as a tabular data storage.

pip install frictionless[bigquery]
pip install 'frictionless[bigquery]' # for zsh shell

Reading Data#

You can read from this source using Package/Resource, for example:

import os
import json
from pprint import pprint
from apiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from frictionless import Resource
from frictionless.plugins.bigquery import BigqueryDialect
# Prepare BigQuery
# This file can be received from Google Console
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = ".google.json"
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
service = build("bigquery", "v2", credentials=credentials),
project = json.load(open(".google.json"))["project_id"],
# Read from BigQuery
dialect = BigqueryDialect(project=project, dataset='<dataset>', table='<table>')
resource = Resource(service, dialect=dialect)

If you'd like to treat BigQuery dataset as a tabular storage:

from pprint import pprint
from frictionless import Package
package = Package.from_bigquery(service=service, project=project, dataset='<dataset>')
for resource in package.resources:

Writing Data#

[NOTE] Timezone information is ignored for datetime and time types.

We can export a package to a BigQuery dataset:

from pprint import pprint
from frictionless import Package
package = Package('path/to/datapackage.json')
package.to_bigquery(service, project=project, dataset='<dataset>')

Also, it's possible to save a resource as a Bigquery table using resource.write().

Configuring Data#

There is the BigqueryDialect to configure how Frictionles works with BigQuery:

from pprint import pprint
from frictionless import Resource
from frictionless.plugins.bigquery import BigqueryDialect
dialect = BigqueryDialect(project=project, dataset='<dataset>', table='<table>'
resource = Resource(service, dialect=dialect)
